Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a masterpiece.

the canvas
on which life is expressed through
splashes of laughter,
streaks of tears,
sprays of anger,
scribbles of tragedy,
and dabbles of love,
remains strangely white. 
the artist's fears of tainting the innocence
and purity of the blank space
prevent the creation of a masterpiece. 
and so, result in

while the artist continues to 
buy and buy and buy
crisp new brushes and lovely colours
books on technique
and magazines on style
imagining and dreaming,
diligently studying and critiquing
others' masterpieces
but never touching, 
never creating their own.
leaving their canvas 
empty and untouched

because it takes a courageous person
to begin painting. 
and only the bold 
can finish their masterpieces. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

you are cordially invited...

After an extremely busy weekend, we are FINISHED making the invites! :) Thank goodness!  I definitely could not have done this without my handsome man, my lovely maid of honour, and the best man. Kudos and so many thanks to them for putting up with my orders and crazy artistic antics. I am sooo excited to send these out and to get our RSVPs in. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

a possibility

Music so lovely that it warms my heart and breaks it. 
I want to dance and cry at the same time. 

you placed this promise at my feet
but I need something that I can keep
is it even a possibility

I remember looking at you
wondering if you even knew
so I closed my eyes and counted to ten
was hoping that you would kiss me then
kissing me
is it even a possibility

heart´s been stolen
eyes are swollen
all these words were never spoken
stomach sinking
wishful thinking
wish that you would phone

I wish these fears would disappear
so we could run away from here
is it even a possibility....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

lull me to silence

poetic declarations of love
capture the heart's desire to express
(in concrete, unchangeable words)
what it cannot
when the flutter of life
falls into oceans of silence.