.....So why coffee?

Because I'm a Questie. And Questies do coffees. While I was in Columbia Bible College for my Quest year (a one-year outdoor leadership program which I would reccommend to anyone and everyone!), our leaders gave us a means of having one-on-one, intimate heart-to-hearts. The main purpose was so that there would be no confusion for persons of the opposite sex when being asked out for coffee. Going on a "coffee date" had no underlying meanings apart from the fact that you wanted to get to know the other person better and/or connect with them. If you were interested in someone, we were told quite bluntly to be more creative. And so in a very different and special way, I have come to love my coffee... To me coffee is so much more than a steaming hot mug of caffeine. Coffee is a long walk, a late-night conversation, a whispered prayer, a good laugh, a hard cry, a hidden story, a bear hug, a vulnerable moment, a shared passion, a truth rediscovered, and a love rekindled.
I guess I am addicted to my coffee.
//to be fully known is to be fully loved....