Friday, October 30, 2009

Why Coffee?

I will admit that I am not actually an avid coffee drinker... I have not yet reached the point where I need caffeine to start my every day, nor do I have the memory to order drinks from Starbucks that take longer than 2 seconds to say. A veinte non-fat, no whip, extra-hot, soy milk vanilla latte with two extra pumps of what? I don't know. 

.....So why coffee?

Because I'm a Questie. And Questies do coffees. While I was in Columbia Bible College for my Quest year (a one-year outdoor leadership program which I would reccommend to anyone and everyone!), our leaders gave us a means of having one-on-one, intimate heart-to-hearts. The main purpose was so that there would be no confusion for persons of the opposite sex when being asked out for coffee. Going on a "coffee date" had no underlying meanings apart from the fact that you wanted to get to know the other person better and/or connect with them. If you were interested in someone, we were told quite bluntly to be more creative. And so in a very different and special way, I have come to love my coffee... To me coffee is so much more than a steaming hot mug of caffeine. Coffee is a long walk, a late-night conversation, a whispered prayer, a good laugh, a hard cry, a hidden story, a bear hug, a vulnerable moment, a shared passion, a truth rediscovered, and a love rekindled.

I guess I am addicted to my coffee. 

//to be fully known is to be fully loved.... 

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Crispy Beginnings

Soo, I've finally decided to make/keep/write a blog for my friends and family who are not a part of my every day life...Not that I will be posting every day, my life can be too mundane for that. 
But here it is. Crisp, and new. With so much promise. 

Like most things in life, until they're touched by human hands.