Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bwana Asifiwe!

So I've started some early morning yoga again, finally! I haven't been very active the past couple weeks because of my snowshoeing accident and it's been killing me. 

For those who haven't heard, while on a winter retreat with my house in Hemlock Valley, I was in a minor accident. On my way down from one of the peaks, I was sitting off to the side at the bottom of a steep decline waiting for the rest of the girls to come down when one of my friends slipped and sent a small avalanche of snow down toward where I was. It wouldn't have been bad at all if a large rock hadn't been part of it! I was hit in my lower back near my left hip by a rock bigger than my head, that the boys estimated was about 20-30 pounds. The impact just knocked the breath out of me and for a moment I seriously thought I had broken something but after about 20 minutes I was able to get over the initial shock and assess the situation better (thank goodness for First Aid training in Quest and Margaret!). After making sure I could move a bit, we slowly hiked back down to the main trail where ski patrol found us and snowmobiled me out to their ski hut. To wrap things up, I went and got checked up at UBC Urgent Care and was told that it was only severe bone and muscle bruising and that I should stay active but take it easy (riight...seriously, choose one or the other!)

All creation definitely praises His name! The view at the peak was stunning, but the trek up was just as breathtaking and just so beautiful to be a part of =)
This is about where the rock fell from when we were hiking back down. You can kind of see the steepness here and how much momentum and force the rock would have had when it came hurtling down and hit me. I was only a little farther down than where the last person in the picture is. It's crazy to look at this picture because I realize how fortunate I was that my injury was as minimal as it was... Thank-you Father!

I feel very blessed that God was looking out for me and that my spine wasn't impacted, as I know that it could have been much much worse for me. I am also soo so thankful that I had an amazing group of friends with me, one who is a nursing student, two who basically carried me off the mountain, and the rest who paved the way for us in the freezing cold! (It quickly got darker after my accident as we didn't get off the mountain until near suppertime). My injury also resulted in my poor mama booking a flight out here as soon as she could because she was so worried about her baby girl! Not that I was complaining...I felt slightly bad that she thought it was so serious, but I did tell my parents repeatedly that I was FINE. I'm glad she came anyway as we both had such an awesome time hanging out in Vancouver and even managed to get a trip down to Seattle in as well to visit family and do some shopping. So I received a HUGE blessing from what seemed to be a little bit of pain and for that I'm very thankful!!

I'm basically as good as new now, except for the huge hardened knots that have formed since it happened. I've been massaging and stretching so that I can work them out, but as I'm still bruised it's taking a little while. Thankfully, my morning yoga class seems to have loosened it up a little bit, and I'm sure that it will only continue to get better from here! I know it will, because the break is coming up fast and Caleb will be here in just over a week now and we will be PAR-TAYYYIng it up in BC with a huge group of Questies! Soo excited =) 
             Thanks for reading!

With my bruise =(  taken just a couple days ago.
It's definitely not as bad as it looks anymore though!


  1. wow, that looks way steeper than I pictured. God was obviously watching over you! Pole that you're still sore and tight, but I promise to massage you when I'm there!

  2. hmmm, over a month and nothing new to report?

  3. hahha, i'm posting, i'm posting! gosh.

  4. WOW!!!!!! That looks awfully steep and I can see now the impact that that rock had with your hip. Thankyou Jesus that you don't have a severed spine!!!
