Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayers for Haiti

        Yesterday Haiti, one of the poorest and politically unstable countries in the world, was hit by a devastating earthquake with a high magnitude of 7.0. The capital city of Port-au-Prince was hit the hardest with the destruction of the presidential palace and hospitals across the city, estimates are that over 100, 000 are dead. Doctors without Borders, a major NGO in Haiti has reported that its 3 hospitals are unusable and the head of the U.N Mission in Haiti is also reported as one of the casualties. 
        My heart breaks for this country and for its people. As many of you know, I was part of a missions team in 2006 that went to Haiti to work for the orphanage God's Littlest Angels. One of the girls on my team is very connected to Haiti as her aunt worked at an NGO in Port-au-Prince (the main area that we were serving in), and her family also adopted a little boy from the orphanage we worked at. I have sent her a message hoping and praying that her extended family is safe and that the orphanage was not hit too hard, but I have yet to receive a message back... Please keep Haiti in your prayers!! God is good and faithful even in our darkest hours, and I am praying that Haitians will turn to Christ in this moment of despair and find hope in His promise. I am so worried and saddened by this disaster, but I know that God has a plan even amongst all the brokenness and devastation in His creation.

        These are some photos of my time in Haiti, I miss this beautiful country and wish that I could be there right now helping them in their time of need. Please, please pray for this broken country, for all those who have lost a loved one, who have lost homes, who are alone, the children and the suffering. They need our voices and our love. 


  1. It would be so cool if a bunch of you could hop on the plane for spring break and help in Haiti with whatever.
    The disaster is so immense, that it is hard to imagine.

  2. We are definitely praying for this country. My heart breaks for them, too. Maybe you'll get to go back someday and help with the healing of some of those people/children.
